Title: The Secret Diary of Scott Summers
Author: Meredith (phlegmbaby@hotmail.com)
Rating: PG-13. Mild language and innuendo.
Pairing/main characters: Gambit/everybody, Cyclops/Wolverine, Jean/Betsy
Series/Sequel: complete
Summary: Parody/humour. Scott logs his discoveries of a world beyond his own in a secret diary.
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Marvel does. I don't make any money off them. Marvel does. I will never make any money off them. Marvel will. I'll be this repetitive in court too, so why not just save yourselves a lot of boredom and not sue me? :)
Date: Mar 2001
Warning: Severe stuffing around with canon, chronology and the X-Men universe in general. Anyone who's a stickler for such things, get out while you still can :)
Feedback: Honest opinions and constructive criticism would be very much appreciated. Sending me a Joaquin Phoenix of my very own in the mail would be even more so... and perhaps I shouldn't have typed that out loud.
Credit: A big thanks to HQ, Sel and Mamfa, all of whom read this before it was quite done and assured me that it was worth finishing *hugs*
The Secret Diary of Scott Summers
By Meredith
Scott Summers' Secret Diary. Girls and Magneto - KEEP OUT!!
As the leader of the X-Men, I feel lead to keep a diary - a record
of my thoughts and feelings; a tome containing the details of my continuing
struggle at the head of a renegade mutant band that will, hopefully, some day
provide future generations with hope and beneficial clues on how to conduct
themselves in our ongoing efforts to make peace with humanity. Each new entry
will shine out like a beacon in the darkness!
Can't think of anything to
write for today.
Write something tomorrow - bit tired now and Jean's yelling
at me telepathically to turn the goddamn light off.
Had to tell Jubilee and Bobby off for running in the corridor
today. When will the world learn??? Corridors are NOT for horseplay!
Gambit was cleaning out his wardrobe today. He does it every
couple of weeks. Said that if I wanted any of his old stuff I was welcome to
A lot of it smells like catfish for some reason, but there's some really
good quality knitwear in there that I can't conceive of why anyone would want
to get rid of.
Found out I had another brother today.
Ho hum.
Wondered if I was telepathic today. Sat in the Professor's chair
and thought 'Come to me, my X-Men'. Got excited when Gambit and Nightcrawler
came in, but they just asked me if I could get out because they wanted to use
the Professor's chair for something.
I wonder what they needed to use the professor's chair for??
They can both walk, as far as I know.
Brought it up with Gambit today. He
just started smirking in an irritating way and saying cryptic things about how
he'd be surprised if Kurt could walk after... something, he just kind of trailed
off at the end.
I swear, if Gambit's up to his old tricks and is thinking
of leading Magneto and his Acolytes here, I'm going to be really cross.
Jean and Betsy seem to be spending a lot of time together too.
It's so nice
to see them getting along now.
Must hide diary from Jean. Keep forgetting she's a telepath and
can read over my shoulder even when she's not in the room.
Found diary!
Also, defeated Apocalypse.
I'm not sure, but I think there's something going on between
Gambit and Nightcrawler. Found them kissing in the broom cupboard today.
What could this mean?
Heard Wolverine yelling at Gambit today.
"The Professor's
chair? But you said that was OUR SPOT!"
Stopped suddenly when I came
into the room.
This is driving me crazy.
Been reading up.
Found out about something called 'being
I don't get it. How could anyone be interested in another man when
there are women like Jean around?? I love Jean.
Still, it sounds intriguing,
and I really should try and empathise with the X-Men I lead. Maybe I should
try it.
Tried testing newfound gayness on Wolverine today.
in infirmary.
Still in infirmary.
Wolverine visited me today. Brought me
flowers and apologised for stabbing me. Which is more than Jean has done, let
me tell you. "Eeer, Scott, I've still got the Phoenix inside me, Scott,
I've got to have treatment, Scott - blah blah blah." What about *my* needs?
Still, Wolverine's flowers are nice.
While he was here he said he could
think of worse things than being bedridden and winked.
Still no visit from Jean.
Betsy hasn't dropped by either.
How strange.
Gambit and Bobby dropped by today.
Didn't bring me any presents
and seemed anxious to leave.
Out of infirmary today.
I spent the day in deep thought.
Jean just said I was sulking.
Huh. Shows what she knows.
Gambit and
Bobby wandering around holding hands.
Back in infirmary today. The Professor ran me over in his chair.
He was chasing Magneto up a corridor in it, and I could've sworn he was giggling
like a schoolgirl, but as soon as he saw me (a couple of seconds after he'd
flattened me with that goddamn chair), he started yelling "Get out, you
harbinger of doom, and don't come back!" Magneto just gathered up his cape
and jumped out the window. Thought Xavier would be grateful I'd helped him get
rid of Magneto, but he just acted really cross and wouldn't even give me a lift
to the infirmary.
Had to lie on the floor until Gambit and Bobby suddenly
appeared from out of a broom closet and were nice enough to help me.
I can't forget that it's the Professor's birthday tomorrow.
Jean sent me
a telepathic message saying she was caught up in something and could I possibly
pop down to the shops and get him a present?
When I asked what she thought
he wanted she just said she didn't know, why not just get him a toupee and some
I'm not too sure about this, but if it's what Jean thinks...
Gave Xavier his present of a toupee today. I told him was ginger
to match his chair.
He threw it at me.
Jean got really pissed off too
and asked what the hell was I thinking.
What did I do?
Still in Jean's bad books.
I can tell because she didn't
float me in the usual bowl of oatmeal and a glass of tomato juice.
a toupee was a better present than what Wolverine got him (a box of paper clips).
Didn't see the Professor throwing them at *him* though.
Gambit looked surprised
when we told him it was Xavier's birthday and then tried to pass off his half-drunk
glass of milk as the present he'd got him.
When everyone looked unimpressed
he just shrugged, grabbed Bobby's hand and took off. Kurt just looked miserable
and ate half of the box of chocolates he'd got for the Professor before I took
them off him.
Slept in spare room across the corridor last night. Awoken early
by ungodly noise.
I never knew Wolverine sang in the shower.
In fact,
I never knew Wolverine even *had* showers.
Encouraging, as it means Logan
is finally beginning to take notice of the personal hygiene message I've been
putting in the weekly X-Men newsletter.
Less encouraging, he was singing
'Achy Breaky Heart'.
'Achy Breaky Heart' has given way to selected Barry Manilow.
Someone kill me.
I'm slowly going mad. Another four am start, awoken by 'Just
a Gigolo'.
Been wandering around humming Village People songs all day. Bobby
*winked* at me in the line for lunch and nudged Gambit.
This is all Wolverine's
I think Kurt said a bad word at me in German today.
He did!
What's more, that name he's been calling me for the
past three months does *not* mean what he said it meant.
Can't sleep. Been drinking coffee all day to try and counteract
the effects staying up late with a German to English dictionary and then being
woken up early by Logan's horrendous so-called singing.
10/3/99 - just
Still awake.
Logan's begun his daily routine of what
sounds like drowning a puppy in the shower for forty minutes.
Why, God,
why? Why me? And why Carly Simmons songs???
I swear, if he doesn't stop
soon I'm going to barge in there and give him a piece of my mind...
Dear God! It's like a window's been opened and all the light
has come streaming in! I always *wondered* what was missing from my relationship
with Jean, and now I think I know.
Thank God for flimsy shower curtains
and those slippery bathroom tiles I've been bugging Xavier to get rid of for
months, is all I can say.
But? how will I tell Jean?
Still puzzling over how to tell Jean (without shattering her
heart too much) that I've worked out that what our relationship was lacking
was a penis.
Besides mine, I mean.
Phew, made it sound like I didn't have
one for a moment there!
Which is *not* the case, let me tell you. No, siree...
Bit the bullet and told Jean about Wolervine and me today.
Thank God, she wasn't too upset.
In fact, she laughed and said she had the
exact opposite problem in regard to what was lacking in our relationship.
Whatever could she have meant by that, I wonder...